Thursday, October 4, 2012


日历上写着“公元 1995 年, 4月11日;乙亥年, 巳卯月, 壬申日”


总是,有一个老人,身穿“老人花”长袖衣、包纱笼的老人。老人, 古稀之年,余有七载,个子并不高(当时,对我来说她是蛮高的)、略瘦、皮肤偏黝黑。她,总是戴着镜片差不干净的金丝眼镜。她,是我的阿嫲。






“感谢阿嫲”, 笑嘻嘻的回道,因为知道里头装有零用钱。。。。。。


拆开日历折成的小袋,日历上写着“公元 1995 年, 4月11日;乙亥年, 巳卯月, 壬申日”,老黄历写着什么并不重要,袋里装有的才是主角。





Sunday, September 23, 2012







Saturday, September 22, 2012


10am: 盡興而去、。
1045am: 早午餐、小談。
12pm: 臥讀、小談、睡覺。
3pm: 載著福強(啊。。。。在夢裏,甜蜜蜜)、午餐、小談。
5pm: 海風、木橋、海景
5.30pm: 盡興而歸、道法自然。

Saturday, June 30, 2012

再訪吉膽島-競智常年運動會 (檳城福建版) Pulau Ketam Revisited - Keng Chee Primary School Sports Day (Penang Hokkien Version)

下晡五點- 放工以後,穿著長手䘼白衣佮黑裤,赶車去巴生港口。


其實,伊是 競智 的校工。





吉膽島,洘流時,規个島是咸芭;水起時,差無多到了咸芭予海水淹過。無大厝, 無大路,無大車,僅焦跤板厝,材路,跤車,漁船。


Saturday, June 23, 2012


此次归家的旅程,已在两星期前计划好了。前几个星期的面子书Wall Post, 也顺便贴于此吧。

“端午, 重五之日--阳历六月廿三日(星期六); 姑且不理天干地支,暂且不顾屈原或龙图腾祭祀等来历,也可以不吃千里飘香的粽子,但不可不归家!”



以上四点-- 都是借口;真正回家的原因:想回家,因为回家不需要理由。

回家旅程, 有惊无险。昨晚与一般朋友到Secret Recipe聚餐,理由: TGIF。

回大山脚火车晚上十一时出发;从焦赖家出发时间 - 十点半。抵达KL Sentral, 10点55分,载送我的友人,应该为我捏几把冷汗吧,多亏有他们,否则。。。。。。


中文系生的文集 《寻找遗失》;好像老天要给我考验似的,火车内突然伸手不见五指 ,车速渐减。不知道哪个部分坏了,乘客们在Sungai Buloh火车站苦等了一个小时。为什么是等,而不是睡觉,因为封闭的火车厢在没有冷气的情况是火炉般的热!!!乘客们都到外头等。。。。。。




Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bersih 3.0

> Bandar Tun Razak Station
Opposite the crowd direction, the person took Sri Petaling Line, alone.

> Bandar Tasik Selatan
He took the KLIA Transit, carrying with him, the RipCurl bag pack which was given by his friends approximately 4 years ago, with a loaf of bread inside.

> KL Sentral
He saw, the crowd in yellow,  started gathering.
Knowing LRT was crowded, he followed the crowd, which was walking toward somewhere, unknown, but he believe the crowded would lead him to his destination.

A squad of policemen were patrolling while another squad stood by, waiting for order.

Outside KL Sentral, he stood beside the road, and observed the surrounding. Little noise could be heard, though far away, and it was approaching, 200 meters away, a crowd in yellowing was marching toward him. When they were 100 meter, the slogan could be clearly heard.

"Bersih, Bersih. Hidup Bersih", a leader in the crowded shouted.
"Bersih, Bersih. Hidup Bersih", the crowd followed his slogan.

He followed them, but not joining them, remember his mother's warning previously. He decided to be an observer, as usual. In front of him, was a pair of foreign couple, who were travelling in KL, filled with curiosity witnessing what was happening.

When the crowd was passing by a "flyover", without instruction and automatically, the slogan "Bersih, Bersih, Bersih....." was shouted. The echo plus the resonance amplified the meaning of "Bersih" with the heart of all participants.

Frequently, the crowded was broken into 2 halves by passing by vehicles, which also supported the possession by pressing the horn repeated when passing by the crowd.

The crowd roared when a police 4 wheel drive drove between them. The roar was even greater when the crowd realised that the police was actually escorting 20 postmen who were riding their bike to deliver the mails and parcels.

Holding a notepad and a pen, a few bar council members were following, observing the crowd and frequently writing down something on the notepad.

The crowd continued marching, they was backgrounded by Kuala Lumpur Railway Station, which had witnessed uncountable of similar possessions since its birth in 1910....

> Pasar Seni

On Tan Cheng Lock Road, 2 crowded met and formed a bigger crowded, witnessed by Gombak River which was flowing, endlessly, beneath them, since the beginning of time. Under another fly-over and near by, a few squads of policemen were standing by, waiting for order; a medical team, in a group of 20 years, were resting and observing the possession, with the hope that no injury or accident would occur on the day. The person, which Tan Cheng Lock Road was named after, was one of leaders, together with Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Sambanthan, Lee Hau Shik, who negotiated with British government for the independence of the countries (even though  Lee Hau Shik was the person who represented MCA to sign the independence treaty in London in 1956).

Solat Zohor was being recited, not far away, from Masjid Jamek, which stood there since 1909, at the confluence of the Klang and Gombak River. The solat had indeed given the determination for all of the people around the area, the participants, the policemen, the medical team members and the bar council members.

The observer, did not bring his camera, he recorded everything, using his organic memory, which might be erased, in the future. His initially worry about the crowd safety was relieved when he found there were a few medical teams were standing by and the crowd discipline was well controlled by the leaders of the crowds.

He then walked to Masjid Jamek Station.

> Masjid Jamek Station

The station was closed for the day, as well as Bandaraya Station.

He walked in the crowd. Some of the people were busying taking photos, some were observing, some were eating inside nearby restaurants, and well, the rest of people were "duduk bantah" He hoped to meet his friend there. His hope did not come true, as he expected. He walked around, following the crowded, on to the roads named after Lee Hau Shik, Tan Siew Sin.

Then, he walked back to KL Sentral. On the way, he heard the news that tears gases were launched towards the crowded and a few accidents.

He believed that his physical appearance gave hope to other participants.
He was glad, he could still see the hope......

Thursday, March 1, 2012

