Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Ang Zen Yang 的小写自我
“小写”指简单大略地写, 并不是细写。来自于马来西亚一个既面积不大又朴素新村(也不是真正的新村,只是沿新村兴建的一个花园)的我,自小并不是善于写作。本人的写作造诣,在闽南语里称“半桶屎”。本人也不乐在其中。加上向来长气的个性,所以自小考试中从不选描述文 (说明文是首选)。此次开笔,可说是新的尝试,有劳读者在词句之中摘出本人的要点。
对了,本人姓洪名政阳。祖籍福建省, 泉州市, 南安,下尾村(乘机来个较古式的介绍)。本身是个土生土长的马来西亚人。对于以上以祖籍作为开场,只是饮水思源的一个表现,简单地说,就是感激祖辈的存在,因为有他们才有我们;这样说,其实与感激地球的存在无别。如此而已。
也许自小被三国志之类电脑游戏的影响,致使本人又对古代世界的向往。深知古代世界是回不了的 事实,只好通过电脑游戏来望梅止渴了。对自然科学的兴趣使本人在事情思考方面偏于逻辑,在感性方面则较不敏感。可以推知,本人未来的文章将可能涉及有关课 题。当然,未来是不能被预知的,也许本人的写作风格将有所变?因为本人所认识的,有从事于教育系、语言系、工程系、物理系、生物系、医药系、经济系等等领 域的人,他们的观点自然在不刻意中影响着我。
此次的“shared blog”(集体部落阁)缘起于颂杰。其实,较早前,本人也有部落阁户口,户口是开了,但就如多年没储蓄的银行户口,里头是没钱的。本人也曾经想在俊豪的部落阁做个寄客(寄客是本人自己的词汇, 指”不时在某人部落阁内撰写文章但不必经营此“blog”的人”。但由于药剂系课业的繁忙使本人的计划耽搁至今。“shared blog”的好处在于一个”blogger”部落客不需时常更新自己的blog(即经常发布新文章),因为其他成员可以在此人忙得不可开交时发布他们的文章。这可使shared blog 一直被更新,读者也可以在一个blog 内阅读不同课题文章及不同角度的看法。
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"What's your problem, young man?"
"Having some backache" I answered, stretching my waist...
It was almost 4.30pm, as what I have heard so much about his talkative nature, he started talking from the problems of the youths, to my back, to his past, back to my back...and more on politics...
As he dwelt in his ramblings of politics...he popped a question...
"Do you think there is hope in Malaysia?"
"I don't know. Yes, I guess?" I shrugged.
"You know, nowadays, a lot of youths are ignorant." He sighed.
I felt uneasy as I felt I was one of those...
...as I was chatting on MSN, I remembered typing
" ...I never liked politics"
What did we learn about politics and government in school? I could hardly recall.
Possibly nothing useful?
In schools, we were only fed with knowledge of “civics” which is merely how the current organization is put together. The real subject, “government”? I doubt we had that. There must be something more to it.
I took American Politics in US in 2009. I remembered learning about politics philosophy. Thomas Hobbes, John Locke are some of the main philosophers that influenced the American politics we know of today.
Back to basics...Hobbes believed that people are driven by selfishness and greed. To avoid chaos, people should give up their freedom to a government that will ensure order. Such government should be strong and able to suppress rebellion.
Like Hobbes, Locke believed that human nature allowed men to be selfish. In a natural state all people were equal and independent, and everyone had a natural right to defend his “Life, Health, Liberty, or Possessions". He believed that the government had an obligation to protect these natural rights. But that was the only reason that the government existed, and if the people believed that the government was not fulfilling this task, they could overthrow him and find someone new.
What we saw happening in Egypt is exactly that. Government fails, people revolt.
Is this the only inevitable way? Opposition to such governments usually just brings on more violence. Is this the only way?
One can speak out in caution and need not actively support a government that does not serve ALL its people. Doing nothing illegal, it is yet possible, by simply withdrawing one's cooperation, to bring about an eventual reform. There are several governments in the world that are failing, and will ultimately fail, only because their people express their silent disagreement by simply not cooperating.
On the other hand, where a government is obviously working hard for ALL its people, rather than for some special interest group or insane dictator, one should support it to the limit.
But, above all and before all, you have to understand more about what a "government" really is, know what type of "government" you want and keep track of what your current government is doing.
I finally got in terms with myself that there is no such thing as "ignorance is bliss" in this context. Instead, I find that a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
A government cannot bleed, it cannot even smile: it is just an idea men have. It is the individual person who is alive—you.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Getting to Know Yourself is Important
I like to try a lot of stuff to figure out how much I like them and how much I dislike them. Is the scenario above, I had proven that I really don't like Power Electrical stuff. But much more interested in other field.
This had help me to lessen the choice of subject to take in my future. If I had not follow my friend for a his lecture, I won't have know it now!
Try and you shall know!
The "eXp Files" Explained
1. eXperience SHARING serves as the main objective of this blog.
2. eXchange IDEAS among the blog members and readers.
3. eXpand great THOUGHTS to all viewers.
4. eXplain useful CONCEPTS in simpler ways.
5. eXpress OURSELVES to the world
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hello World!
This is the places for us to share our experiences among ourselves and to the world outside!